Sunday, November 3, 2013

Reflections on Trifles by Susan Glaspell

Exploration Notes

1. What clues lead the women to conclude that Minnie Wright killed her husband?
          In the Wright household, the men are searching for something out of the ordinary and its prove that Minnie has been  provoked into killing her husband. The women find the clues, it is even more ironic that they find them in the household items to which the men attribute so little significance. For example “Nothing here but kitchen things,” the men mistakenly think. Because of their weak intu­ition, they do not see the household as indicative of John’s and Minnie’s characters. They do not see beyond the cheerless home to John Wright’s grim nature, nor do the dilapidated furnishings pro­vide them with a clue to his normal habits. Minnie’s depression and agitation are not apparent to them in the dismal, half-cleaned kitchen; instead, they consider Minnie an inept, lazy housekeeper then the three gentlemen do not have a clue.

2. How do the men differ from the women? from each other?

         Trifles is a murder mystery that explores gender relationships, power between the sexes, and the nature of truth. Trifles suggests that men tend to be aggressive, brash, rough, analytical and self centered; in contrast, women are more cautious , deliberative, intuitive, and sensitive to the needs of others. It is these differences that allow Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale to get to the truth. There are three men that are involved on the case and two women accompany, but are not there to really help solve the murder. These two women will solve the murder and protect Mrs. Wright of any wrongdoing. The women will dispose of any evidence they find  and justify to themselves, that the murder was justifiable. The three men seek out to find motive, but they never do and the case will go unsolved. The men would not think this was a valid reason for murder. It was only a little canary but in this story explores the fact that women pay attention to the little things that may lead to the solving of a bigger problem. The men seem to think the women only worry about the little things, or trifles. What the men do not realize is that the women are actually solving the murder by worrying, or trifling, over the small details.

3. What do the men discover? why do they conclude "Nothing here but kitchen things"? what do the women discover?

           Men do not discover anything  because of a little thing that will not being a proof for the murder. For the statement  "Nothing here but kitchen things”, regarding  to a women’s viewed , the men make it crystal clear that a women’s opinions is not important.  When the small pieces come together you will see the bigger picture. The small things  is the piecing of the quilt that the women think some kind of proof. The women were wondering if she was going to knot it or quilt it. The women take a closer look at the and Mrs. Hale points out that all the sewing was nice and neat until the point where the sewing was all messy. Mrs. Hale points out that because is a sign of nervousness. Mrs. Peters disagrees and tries to defend Mrs. Wright by saying that when she gets tired her sewing becomes messy. The quilt is a symbol of Minnie's agitation-her anger. The men though, laugh at the women's wondering about the quilt. To them it is of little importance. The quilt showed a disturbance in Mrs. Wright's life. The knotting of the quilt seemed to be the same type of knot used to strangle Mr. Wright. The women noticed that trifle, but the men were too busy looking at the dead body and making inferences about how Mr. Wright was killed that they overlooked the similar knotting of the quilt and of the rope around Mr. Wright's neck.



Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Research on Major Playwright- Susan Glaspell

 Susan Glaspell, the daughter of Elmer Glaspell and Alice Keating, was born in Davenport, Iowa on 1st July 1876. She graduated from Drake University in Des Moines in 1899 and found work as a journalist with the Des Moines Daily News.
                Much of Glaspell's writing is strongly feminist, dealing with the roles that women play, or are forced to play, in society and the relationships between men and women. She wrote more than ten plays for the Provincetown Players, including Women's Honor, Bernice, Inheritors, and The Verge. In 1922 Glaspell married George Cook and moved to New York City, where she continued to write, mostly fiction. In 1931 she won the Pulitzer Prize for Alison's House, a play based loosely on the life and family of Emily Dickinson. Glaspell spent the latter part of her life on Cape Cod writing.She also wrote Trifles, a play based on the John Hossack case, for the group. It has been argued that the play is an example of early feminist drama. Heywood Broun was one of those who saw the significance of the play: "No direct statements are made for the benefit of the audience. Like the women, they must piece out the story by inference... The story is brought to mind vividly enough to induce the audience to share the sympathy of the women for the wife and agree with them that the trifles which tell the story should not be revealed."

            She also had been critics because her vivid use of offstage characters in Trifles will become a hallmark of her playwriting, recurring in Bernice, Inheritors, and Alison's House, among others. Mysteries and the process of deduction also recur throughout her plays, making Trifles both a representative work and one that adumbrates the themes and methods of many of her subsequent drarnas. Moreover, with Trifles she develops her technique of conscious manipulation of audiences' perspectives, so that they can see as she has done, which then allows her feminist and other progressive political views to come to the fore."

word cited:

  • Susan, G.. N.p.. Web. 3 Nov 2013. <>. 
  • Bradford, W.. N.p.. Web. 3 Nov 2013. <> 

A Research on Major Playwrights- William Shakespeare


    Shakespeare is known as the greatest English playwright and poet in history of English literature. He was born on April 23, 1564 in England under the reign of Elizabethan 1. When he was eighteen years old, he got married to Anne Hathaway that much older than him. Around 1586,he left London to try his luck as an actor when there a chance to get on theatre and English language because there already was an established community of playwright at that place. His first tried has making him to be an official playwright to the King of England because Shakespeare was successfully to be named as senior members of Lord Chambelin’s men at an acting company. For his works, he not only an actor but he also an author. He has wrote a variety of genres which is comedies, romance, tragedies and so on. Among his period time of life, he got wrote almost thirty seven plays which contain with many scenes that were so dramatic, clarify, and power that related to the human condition of life.
       Shakespeare’s works are divided into different periods that started around 1591 and ended around 1593 which is Titus Andronicus, Love's Labour's Lost, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Comedy of Errors and The Taming of the Shrew. Then, for the ending periods, his works are included  includes the tragedy Romeo and Juliet, the comedies, The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer-Night's Dream, Much Ado about Nothing, The Merry Wives of Windsor and the history plays, Henry IV, Parts I and II, Henry V, Richard II, King John and Julius Caesar. Because of his works, he become a successful playwright among the others.
           Around 1610, Shakespeare works much interesting when his works were published within the genres of tragedies, comedies and also an epic history play. For instance,  Hamlet, Othello, Twelfth Night,and Antony and Cleopatra. For the final periods were includes the plays and the genres of romances such as The Winter's Tale and Henry VIII.
         Nowadays, the facts of purely manuscripts of Shakespeare’s work so reliable because it has been written by fellow actors and it would be not considered as pieces of literary work. Everyone who read all the plays might be surprise because he has borrowing plot and taking liberties from earlier plays. The historical fact also was not very uncommon in the meantime of his life and the languages and the element of his plays was so arguably the greatest playwright at the time.

Genius, L.. N.p.. Web. 1 Nov 2013. < shakespeare playwright.htm>.